Relaxed Bride

ISO 100 F/11 at 1/60 shutter speed Canon 5D 100 focal length

Bridal Overview

This is the way we were set up for most of the images taken in this session. This one was more relaxed. It was taken at the same settings stated in the other picture. I am lowering the main light to get catch lights in her eyes. The fill lights bounce off the wall behind the camera. You can see the two lights in the back which are hairlight and background light.

Bridal Portrait:Page O'Brien

Page modeled as a bride in the RCC
studio. I used a soft box, hair light,
main and fill lights. I shot at ISO 100
with my Canon 5D. I used f/11 for the
f stop and 1/60 for the shutter speed.
The lens was at 100.

Covenant Prayer: Toni modeled as a bride for a bridal portrait. I set this up in my upstairs studio on 100 ISO using my Canon 5D and 3 Novatron lights. My settings were f11@ 1/60. I like the look of prayer in the portrait since I believe marriage should be entered into prayerfully. I think it empowers a reverant mood....which marriage IS. (although Toni is not even dating, she certainly agreed)


Serene: This is my son, Dr. Jason Clewis, and
his wife, Erin. They were photographed
at Randolph Community College, Studio
Bay 2. I used my Canon 5D with a 100mm
lens. I shot at f11 1/60 on 100 ISO and photogenic
lights. The mood is intimate and serene...a moment of love